Friday, May 28, 2010

"And when all else fades, my soul will dance with You, where the love lasts forever."~HU

the story of my life...when it rains, it pours. circumstances don't always turnout like you wished they would. friends, family, society isn't always good to you. plain and simple...crap happens. there are things that face you that you're not in control of. and you can either stare it back in the face or turn around and walk away. which one is the right choice? is either? is what you're facing really issues you need to be dealing with? where is the battle ground? is it a war you're called to fight in...?

my response to rain isn't always to dance in the puddles. sometimes i cry about the clouds and cold. sometimes i open the windows and listen to the water drops on the ground...

there is a river that flows from God above. there is a fountain that's filled with His great love. come to this water, there is a vast supply. there is a river that never shall run dry.

it doesn't matter the battle we face. He already conquered it. He fought the battle and rescued the world. He knows exactly what we face and why we face it. He is able and willing to carry us, to comfort us. our responsibility is to get out of the boat. get out of your comfortable boat! take off the life saver floaty device and be willing to drown. because its in drowning that you lose yourself and gain the life of Christ. "it is no longer i who lives, but Christ who lives in me..." (galatians 2:20).

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